You will want to marinate or brine the chicken in advance (the first stages of my fried chicken recipe would so just fine) and you may want to add some aromatics into the bag as well. Except in the case of brining, save the salt for just before cooking - if you brined, you shouldn't need any more. Always line the breasts up in the bag in flat rows - if they are stacked up or overlapping, they won't cook evenly. Always ice down the bags right after cooking to cool as quickly as possible. If you finish the breasts off on the grill or in a pan, make sure you pat them dry to get proper caramelization and a crispy surface.
- marinate or brine the chicken breasts as you would normally (skin on or off is your choice)
- set the water bath for: 135F / 57C (if you will finish with another cooking method)
145F / 63C (if you want to cook fully)
- season if necessary, add any aromatics and seal the chicken in the vacuum bag
- cook in the bath for: 45 - 50 minutes at 135F / 57C
1 hour at 145 / 63C
- check the firmness of the meat, cook a little more if needed
- remove from hot bath and cool down completely in an ice bath
- the chicken will store well in the bag in the fridge until you are ready to use it
yes, sous-vide can still lead to this |
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