
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Recipe: Roasted walnut and goat's milk soup

This is a dessert soup with some real character and elegance.  The goat's milk is remeniscient of a nice chevre, which goes perfectly with roasted walnuts.  The soup itself adds a good moisture to a dessert dish without going the heavier route of an anglais or a coulis.  Drop a little warm cake in the middle or send a poached pear for a swim.  If you want to take a twist on a classic, use it with isles flotants (floating islands) - a dessert so light you might need seconds.

You will need:

142g / 5oz                       walnuts
207ml / 7fl oz                  whole goat's milk
45ml / 3Tbs                     sugar
pinch                               grated nutmeg
to taste                             walnut liqueur


 - roast the walnuts in a low oven until a deep golden brown
 - place the nuts in a blender with the goat's milk and nutmeg and sugar
 - blend well
 - put the mixture in a pot and gently bring to a simmer, then turn off the heat
 - cover with plastic wrap and cool
 - transfer to the fridge and let steep overnight
 - strain through a chinois
 - add liqueur to taste and serve warm or cold

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