
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Product review: Krups coffee and spice grinders

Good cooks need to grind spices.  They often could go for a coffee too.  These machines were originally designed for grinding coffee beans, but somewhere along the line someone got tired of the old mortar and pestle and put two and two together.  They did us all a favor.  The coffee grinder has become indispensable in the kitchen to the point that many cooks have two - one for coffee and one for spices (saves the trouble of scrubbing it down between duties avoiding curry coffee).  

I made mustards one year from cumin, coriander, fenugreek, and mustard seeds (of course)  - enough to distribute as Christmas gifts.  As you might imagine, the grinder got a lot of action on production day.  The motor got pretty hot, but kept trucking along to finish the job, and kept working great for years after that.  It finally died after a nasty spill off the counter - my bad, not the manufacturer.  I went out and got another - no need to try another company when the first one fared so well.  CHECK IT OUT HERE.

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