
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Product review: Coeur a la creme molds

Coeur a la creme has a lot of history behind it - it sure does in our family.  While you can improvise on a mold, sometimes tradition just suits tradition, in which case it's nice to have the classic porcelain heart-shaped dish to make it in.  You can actually get them in either large or individual portion sizes, but I prefer the large.  Its a bit more family style, and if the dish is a bit rich for some guests, it's easier for them to have a smaller portion - nothing would break my heart more than to make one of my favorite desserts and have someone not finish theirs.  When I moved out on my own, my mom looked all over so I could have my own dish, and I know it wasn't easy.  For the couple times a year I might make it, the mold is one of my favorite dishes in the house.  To save you some trouble if you are looking for one, you can order them through Amazon.  CHECK IT OUT HERE.

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