
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Culinary tourism: Le Merced (Mexico City)

Now, as a cook with a love for the pastry shop, Le Merced is a mandatory stop every time I'm in Mexico City.  As with most markets, most anything for day to day life can be found here, with one huge exception, the kitchen area.  This section of the market can and will outfit you with just about anything you could possibly need for cooking, at home or in a restaurant.  Full size deep fryers, industrial crepe skillets, taco carts, replacement burners for your gas stove - these are among the larger items you'll find.  These are a little larger than what I'm usually shopping for, but always interesting to check out.  Where I find gold is in the pastry related shops.  Bunuelo forms and countless molds of all shapes and sizes, uniquely themed cutter sets for intricate garnishes or cookies.  When we were down one year before Dia de Los Muertos, I stocked up on really cool sugar skull and gelatin molds.  This year, we picked up a really nice comal for home and a replacement blade for our blender at a great bargain.  Definitely a must see for cooks, especially if you are visiting around a major holiday.  Get off the metro at Merced,  look around the market until you see great masses of stainless steel, and you're there.

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