
Friday, December 7, 2012

Recipe: Mincemeat

Mincemeat tarts have always been a strong tradition in our family, and along with other things like shortbread and eggnog, it will forever be one of those added elements that helps bring the holiday season around to those family traditions.  As a cook, Christmas can be a tough slog through the trenches, but snap a tart off a passing platter and I'm right as rain.  I was very fortunate in cooking school that I wound up in the right class with the right instructor in December.  He was a Welshman who had even been on staff at Buckingham Palace in his career and he wanted to teach us how to make real mincemeat, suet and all.  Was I excited?  You bet.  Try to make this as far ahead as possible to really let the mincemeat mature and develop a great flavour - the recommended time is ten days, but longer is even better

You will need:

225g / 7.9oz         suet
225g / 7.9oz         apples
225g / 7.9oz         sultanas
225g / 7.9oz         currants
225g / 7.9oz         raisins
225g / 7.9oz         sugar
120g / 4.2oz         candied fruit peel
30g / 1oz              ground almonds
150ml / 5oz          brandy (or rum)
8g / 0.3oz             mixed spice (refer to the "mixed spice" recipe in the previous post)


 - finely chop the suet
 - peel, core, then chop the apples fine
 - mix the suet and the apples
 - finely chop the candied fruit peel
 - add the chopped fruit peel, sultanas, currants, raisins, lemon juice and lemon zest to the mix
 - add the sugar
 - add the mixed spice and the almonds
 - add the brandy
 - mix really well (rubber gloves and hand mixing is easiest)
 - cover with parchment or wax paper
 - refrigerate for at least ten days
 - use as needed

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