
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Product review: Activa RM - "meat glue"

Activa RM has become a favorite in modern kitchens everywhere.  It is relatively "new" to the restaurant world, but has been used by commercial food producers for a long time.  Those deli-style turkey loafs and boneless honey hams you've eaten for years?  You bet, you've already had it.

For the sake of education, Activa is a transglutaminase, which means it is an enzyme that bonds proteins together.  It is generally produced through a special fermentation process or extracted from animal blood.  It may sound a bit scary, but on the good side, the scarier something is, the more closely the health authorities tend to scrutinize the operations.  Case in point:  people tend to be paranoid about undercooked pork, they have been for centurites, and for good reason as is a source of trichonosis.  These days, the pork industry is so closely watched that you can quite safely and confidently eat a medium rare chop if you choose - I've done it myself.

Moving past the production process, Activa opens up a world of possibilities for the modern cook.  From simple applications such as helping a terrine hold together or using it as a binder in hamburger meat to all out Dr. Frankenstein in the kitchen.  We did a holiday turduckin one year and used Activa to help hold the turkey, duck and chicken together.  I've even seen it used with a salt-crusted roast - Activa was mixed with the egg white to help create a better salt shell.

There are some good handling practices you should employ with Activa to ensure safety and the effectiveness of the Activa itself.  When using, it is easiest to apply using a salt shaker for even application, and when done, best to vacuum seal the shaker in a bag and store it in the freezer.  Whatever isn't isn't in the shaker should always be sealed and stored in the freezer.  You should wear gloves when handling the product, but don't worry, it's not like crazy glue, it's just that we are made of protein ourselves and any on your hands will be wanting to bond.  For the same reason, some chefs take the extra precaution of also wearing goggles and a surgical or drywall mask to avoid inhaling any airborne product.  As with many things, use it properly and responsibly and you will be able to accomplish things you may have never thought possible.

You will have a very hard time finding Activa in a store, but you can order it through Amazon.  There are two sizes available.

If it's your first time using it, you will want the smaller size - CHECK IT OUT HERE.

If you know you will be using it a lot, the larger size is HERE.

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