
Monday, September 24, 2012

The Ultimate Burger Series

The Ultimate Burger Series is here!


Recently, Dan and myself have embarked on a journey to periodically create the cream of the crop in the world of hamburgers.  It would be presumptuous to think we could create the one and only best hamburger ever - that's impossible.  There are too many varied tastes out there (I love blue cheese on a hamburger, others don't) as well as too many delicious ideas to possibly ever fit onto one single burger.  So the journey is more of a challenge to ourselves to pick a theme, then create a ridiculously awesome burger based on that theme.

So far, the themes have begun geographically.  We've picked a country or region of the world and tried to incorporate our favorite flavours and textures from that region into its respective burger.  Themes may branch beyond the regional format as long as the eventual burger end up following some defined theme.  

Breakdowns of the burgers themselves and relevant recipes will wind up here for your enjoyment.  We have a professional kitchen at our disposal and can branch out in almost any direction.  If any of you would like to suggest a theme or ingredient to use, we welcome outside challenges and will post the results of our efforts.

Stay tuned, the Ultimate Burgers are coming!

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