
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Recipe: Beef stock clarification for consomme - traditional technique

This recipe is the clarification I used with the smoked beef stock (check the earlier post) to make the consomme element of a modern style French onion soup.  It will work with any good beef stock because it has the elements necessary for creating a good consomme - it has the protein necessary to clarify the stock, and it has the additional meat and vegetables and aromatics to take flavour of a good starting stock to a full flavoured specialty broth.  As for the caramelized onion, it's easiest to just caramelize a bunch, measure out what you need and use the rest for something else.

This recipe is designed to clarify 1.5L (1.5qt) of stock and should yield a good 1L (1qt) of finished soup.  To clarify more, simply multiply accordingly and follow the same process.  The loss of volume is partly due to reduction in the cooking process and the fact that you can't force the straining of a consomme without sacrificing the clarity you worked hard for - it's the cost of doing business, but I think you'll find it's worth it when you want to serve the best.

You will need:

1.5L / 1.5qt             beef stock
200g / 7oz               extra lean ground beef (shank, neck, or shoulder)
3                              egg whites
60g / 2oz                 caramelized onion
30g / 1oz                 leek (white part only)
30g / 1oz                 mushrooms
20g / .7oz                celery
20g / .7oz                carrot
2 cloves                   garlic
1                              bay leaf
2 sprigs                    thyme
10                            whole peppercorns
pinch                       kosher salt


 - caramelize a bunch of onion in minimal fat and measure out 60g (2oz) then let cool
 - wash the leek and mushrooms well and peel the carrot
 - rough chop all the vegetables, then put in a food chopper and mince together
 - add the egg white to the vegetables and mix well
 - add the vegetable mix and the herbs, peppercorns and pinch of salt to the lean ground meat
 - mix with your hands until well incorporated
 - place in a suitable stockpot (you want more vertical height than width)
 - add the stock to the clarification a little at a time to loosen it up evenly
 - when all the stock is added, turn the heat on low - medium
 - as the stock heats up, gently stir to make sure no meat is sticking to the bottom of the pot
 - when the "raft" starts to form and rise to the top, stop stirring
 - poke a "vent" hole in the middle of the raft to allow the stock to bubble through once it starts to simmer
 - gently simmer and monitor the clarity by looking at the stock coming through the vent
 - when the stock seems absolutely clear, line a vine mesh sieve with cheesecloth and place over another pot
 - carefully ladle the stock through the vent and strain through the cheesecloth
 - when you can't ladle any more, move the sieve to another pot and carefully pour the remainder of the contents in and let drain completely
 - if the contents of the second pot are as clear as the first, feel free put them together, otherwise keep the clear stock clear and use the other elsewhere
 - adjust the seasoning with kosher salt if necessary
 - cool the finished consomme
 - store in the fridge until use

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