
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Green peppers

I want to take a moment to stick up for an old friend of mine, the green pepper.  If you are in the industry, you probably know what I am talking about, but if you aren't, let me explain.  There is an unfair bias against green peppers in the food industry.  I have worked in major hotels who will search out obscure and eclectic ingredients to use (a characteristic I love), but despite the fact that the green pepper is the number one requested addition to a room service pizza, a flat out refusal was in place to even have a few on hand.  "Low class vegetable" it was labelled.  Want sauteed crones on your pizza?  Done and done.  Green peppers?  Forget it.

I've worked in other places where chefs are searching high and low for the most shocking proteins to serve (prairie oysters or a brain terrine), but suggest that a certain dish might benefit from some green pepper, you are met with indignant scoffs - unthinkable, shocking that you would bring such a thing up. 

Nothing at all against other types of bell peppers, I just believe that everything has it's place, and to shut any ingredient out of the kitchen 100% is limiting yourself.  Stay open, stay flexible, and give the mean green a chance.

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