
Monday, July 30, 2012

Recipe: Apricot caramel

This is a nice variation of a caramel and has a very nice look for presentation.  You make it very much like you would a gastrique, but it is less acidic and more fruity.  If you get a very good quality apricot juice, you will want to strain it well to keep a nice clarity to the caramel.  I don't add the juice to the sugar at the beginning as the added colour makes it hard to judge the caramelization of the sugar and you will affect the flavour of the apricot by also caramelizing its sugars.  By adding it at the end, you have a nice caramel flavour and a light and fruity flavour in the same sauce.  Of course you can make this starting with a dry caramel, but I find the addition of a bit of water makes it easier to multi-task while you are making it and you get a more even caramel by starting with a heavy syrup.

You will need:

225g               sugar
250ml             apricot juice


 - add a little bit of water to the sugar in a pan, cover it and set it to medium high heat
 - swirl occasionally to even out the syrup and even out the colour as it develops
 - strain the apricot juice if needed
 - when the caramel is a nice amber colour, add the juice
 - let the sauce come back up to heat to incorporate the juice and re-melt any caramel that seized
 - reduce slightly
 - check the consistency by dropping a small amount on a cold plate and see how it moves when tilted
 - when you are happy with the consistency, turn off the heat, and cool
 - use as needed

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