
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Recipe: Carrot orange paint

Plating a dish is often referred to as painting a picture, well we should get some paint into the mix.  Along with the various coulis, purees, gels and foams you might find on a dish, a broad brushstroke of paint can set a nice backdrop as you build the dish up.  Just don't spill anything unintentionally onto the paint because it stays wet and you won't be able to remove it without leaving a mark.  on the other hand, think back to grade school and making potato stamps, maybe you want to use something to leave an impression in the paint - the veined underside of a leaf pressed in and gently lifted off can leave a striking design.

You will need:

500ml / 2C          carrot juice 
500ml / 2C          orange juice (pulp strained out)
2.5ml / 1/2tsp      vegetable oil
5ml / 1tsp            glucose
to taste                kosher salt

 - put the juices in a small sauce pan and gently reduce down to a syrup - careful not to burn the sugars
 - once syrupy, you should have between 125 - 250ml (1/2 - 1C)
 - with a small hand blender, blend in the glucose and vegetable oil
 - season with salt
 - let cool completely 
 - use just like paint with a pastry brush

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