
Monday, April 23, 2012

Recipe: Vegetable stock

Vegetable stock may seem kind of basic, but I've seen people just ruin it, so it's worth it to take a moment to go over how to make a good one.  We'll pretend that we're making a stock for the purpose of making a soup suitable for a vegetarian guest.  You often won't go to the trouble to specifically make a stock unless for that purpose - often a vegetable stock just sort of happens when you have enough vegetable trim and you'd rather use it than waste it.  Some basic principles:

 - other than basic mirepoix, most clean trim will be suitable - asparagus peelings, broccoli stems, tomato tops, etc
 - you aren't making a stock out of garbage, so make sure all the vegetables are clean, no dirty roots, no rotten bits
 - avoid overly bitter or starchy vegetable trimmings - no turnip, radish, parsnip, potatoes, etc.
 - never boil a stock

You will need:

basic mirepoix:         2 parts                onion
                                 1 part                  carrot
                                 1part                   celery
any other suitable vegetables
aromatic herbs (optional)


 - this is a quick stock, so chop your vegetables small
 - cover them in a pot with cold water
 - bring stock up to a simmer, not a boil
 - simmer 5 - 10 minutes, then turn off the heat
 - add the herbs and cover the pot with plastic wrap
 - let steep for 20 - 30 minutes
 - strain and use or cool and store

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