You will need:
1C/250 ml buttermilk
2C/500 ml heavy cream
1 lemon zest (large peel)
1 sachet of aromatics (peppercorns, herbs) - optional
pinch kosher salt
- if using the sachet of aromatics, include the zest as well, otherwise it's easy enough to remove later.
- mix the buttermilk and cream and add the pinch of salt in a non-reactive container
- add the sachet or lemon zest
- cover container with cheesecloth or saran wrap with holes punched in it - it needs to "breathe"
- leave it out at room temperature for at least 24 hours
- when surface of cream seems to have firmed up somewhat, move to the fridge and chill completely
- line a colander with cheesecloth, and gently scoop the cream off the top and put in colander
- when you get down to the whey, gently pour it through the cheesecloth to get the last of the cream
- if possible, hang the cheesecloth in the fridge to drain completely, or leave in colander
- the longer you hang it, the firmer it will get. If it's loose, you can flavour it and whip it like cream (be careful, it breaks easily), if it's firm, you can use it as a spread.